This site is where I publish words and photos. The section that's most updated most often is atoms, small multimedia particles reminiscent of a Twitter feed. I update my now page monthly according to what I'm working on and thinking about. I publish a newsletter as often as I can.

Once in a while, I write longer form articles on technical subjects like APIs, Go, or Postgres:

I put short stream of consciousness thoughts into tiny posts called fragments:

  • Elden Ring July 25, 2024

    I broke my promise never to give FromSoftware money again, and it was okay.

  • Sqlc: 2024 check in June 16, 2024

    Quick thoughts on whether sqlc is still the direction for Go projects now that we’ve been using it for three years.

  • Go: Don't name packages common nouns June 2, 2024

    Avoiding naming Go packages after common nouns like rate or server so that they don’t clash with variable names, and how to find a more fitting name for them instead.

I write a newsletter about the philosophy of software called Nanoglyph: